Higher education in the USA ranges from small colleges to little-known universities to world-renowned universities.
Education received in the USA is valued and quoted in every country in the world. Higher education in the USA is considered to be of prestige and quality. You can get an education at colleges and universities, which can be public or private.
The main difference between a college and a university is that a college has no undergraduate research department and no postgraduate education, such as master’s or doctoral degrees.
First Step.
The undergraduate program, whether college or university, is four years long. The applicants do not take entrance exams to colleges (universities), they are accepted on the basis of the SAT results, on the basis of a motivation letter, where future students indicate the main reasons for their admission to the chosen university and recommendations from high school teachers, but there are a number of universities (depending on the state), where there are entrance exams.
The program of study provides for the acquisition of knowledge in 30 subjects. As early as the 3rd year, students take a subspecialty subject in their field of study. At the end of the program students take state exams and defend their diploma projects. After all of these stages students receive a diploma of higher education, and a Bachelor’s Degree is awarded. The Bachelor’s Degree is the first stage of higher education.
Second stage
The second stage of higher education is the Master’s degree programs. The main feature of the Master’s degree program is the huge emphasis on the student’s research work in a narrow subject area.
The program is designed for 1-2 years, during the whole period of study students are engaged exclusively in their scientific works and research. At the end of the program, the student takes an exam.
Based on the result of the exam and the results of his or her scientific research, the student receives an overall grade. The student is then awarded a diploma and a Master’s Degree. In the economic field, the student can get an MBA (Master of Business administration)
Third Step
The third stage of higher education in the U.S. is represented by the Advanced Professional Degree program – the equivalent of doctoral studies. The program lasts two to three years. Students dedicate their studies to writing their dissertation and defending it. It is also the responsibility of the student to attend seminars and lectures at the university. After defending the thesis the student receives a PhD degree (Doctoral Level).
Fourth stage
The highest level and the most prestigious is the Doctoral Program (Postgraduate (Postdoctoral) Level). This program is open only to Ph.D. candidates who have done a great deal of research and scholarship.
The program is almost always funded by the university or charitable organization. Students in this program are required to work on a research project, attend a minimum number of lectures and seminars, mostly on an individual basis, and teach at the university where the program is taught.